Time Saving Tips For Mom Entrepreneurs In The Summer

Being a mom and an entrepreneur is no joke. You’ve got your business to run, kids to take care of, and somehow take a vacation.

Summer can feel especially tough when school’s out, routines get thrown off, finding time for your business can get tricky. But don’t worry! Here are 4 time saving tips for mom entrepreneurs to help you work smarter, not harder, and set you up for success.

Doing these things NOW will help you keep growing your business during the summer without it eating up all your time.

Time Saving Tips For Mom Entrepreneurs

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1. Get a Pinterest Audit Now

If you haven’t done it already, it’s time to get a Pinterest audit. It won’t take more than an hour to implement changes. But these little tweaks will set you up for better growth in the summer when you might not be as consistent.

You can do it yourself by checking your Pinterest profile, board organization, and pin descriptions to make sure everything is optimized for maximum reach.

But if you aren’t sure what needs to be done, a Pinterest Audit is for you. No matter your level, you’ll walk away with gold nuggets helping you.

2. Update Seasonal Content

Do you have any summer or fall content that always does well? Now’s the time to get your summer content ready and start promoting it.

If you have extra time, plan ahead for fall too. Having that content ready will help you avoid the fall slump when you come back from summer.

Pinterest tends to slow down a bit during the summer, so if you can stay ahead with your content, you’ll be in a better place when you come back after the break.

3. Condense Your Content Schedule

If you’re used to publishing one blog post a week, try condensing it for the summer. You can aim to post just two blog posts a month or even just one.

With so many families traveling in the summer, Pinterest tends to slow down. It’s okay to scale back on your content during this time. But if you really want to do something, try creating a “mini summer training” to share instead of new posts every week.

For example, I take a break from my weekly “long-form” tip emails. I stick to sending out short, mini tips (using Pinterest pin links) on Tuesdays. It keeps my audience engaged without taking up too much time for them to read, or me to create. Win win!

4. Start Time-Blocking Now

Summer’s coming, and it’s time to start thinking about how you’ll manage your time. Make a list of your “Necessities” for your business—tasks that absolutely need to get done—and your “It Would Be Nice” list—things you’d like to do if you have extra time.

When summer comes, you’ll have a more clear idea of what to focus on first. Time-blocking ahead of time will help you make better decisions about how to spend your time during the busy summer months. It’ll also give you a better idea of how long things take.

You’d be surprised what a timer can do when you sit down to work on one project with the timer running.

5. Focus on One Big Task Before Summer

Pick one thing to focus on and finish it before summer starts.

Whether it’s getting your funnel set up, your freebie ready, or something else that will move the needle in your business, get it done now (or in the next few months).

When you finish that big task, you’ll feel more accomplished and ready to take on summer. Plus, when you start off the summer with a completed project, you’ll feel more at ease and less stressed about your business.

If you’re “big thing” is to learn Pinterest so it works while you play this summer, this class is for you.

In Conclusion,

By doing these 5 things now, you’ll be able to focus on what really matters when summer rolls around—family, fun, and relaxation! A little preparation goes a long way, and you’ll be able to enjoy your summer without stressing about your business.

Action step:

Take a few minutes today to write down what you want YOUR summer to look like (commit by posting it in the comments). What kind of vacations, family time, relaxation, fun, and work time do you want to have? Once you know how you want your summer to feel, you can use the tips above to make it happen.

Any questions? Head over to my Free Facebook group and sign up for your free Pinterest audit to double check you’re on the right track.

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