When Should You Use A Scheduler for Pinterest?
If you’d rather keep on the move and listen, here you go: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/charissemerrill/episodes/When-Should-You-Use-A-Scheduler-for-Pinterest-e26tndc Which Pinterest scheduler should you use? Should I just do manual Pinning? When do I actually need to use a scheduler with Pinterest Marketing? All common questions, let’s dig into if you should use a scheduler with Pinterest or not. Watch Here: […]
Why Is Pinterest A Game Changer For Your Business?
If you’d rather keep on the move and listen, here you go: https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/VzG3PgUFxBb You may have heard a number of times “You should be on Pinterest”. But why? Why should you invest the time in learning another social media platform for your business? Read now to discover 7 ways Pinterest can be a game changer […]
5 Time-Saving Pinterest Hacks for Busy Entrepreneurs
If you’d rather keep on the move and listen, here you go: https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/uMpZv2iKdBb As a busy entrepreneur, keeping up with multiple social media platforms can be hard. Here are 5 time-saving Pinterest hacks to help you get your Pinterest posting done quicker. Watch Here: https://youtu.be/boxR9yH6Dd0 Time-Saving Pinterest Hacks 1. Niche-Specific Keywords Spend the time, about […]
When should I Post on Pinterest?
If you’d rather keep on the move and listen, here you go: https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/BdLDDNKxLAb A really common question you may be asking yourself is “When should I post on Pinterest?” And just like any other social media platform, you would think that there are better time frames and days to post than others. I’m breaking this […]
Why A Pinterest Course?
If you’d rather keep on the move and listen, here you go: https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/mZHtRn4qUzb First off, let’s be 100% clear. You do not need a Pinterest course. Just like anything else in life, if you have the time, and patience, you can learn anything you need to do online. It just takes digging, patience, and trial […]
Maximize Your Pinterest Business Account
If you’d rather keep on the move and listen, here you go: https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/zViUvdfsPzb After you’ve gone through the process and signed up for your Pinterest Business Account, there are 5 more things you want to do to utilize Pinterest best for your business. So let’s dig into the 5 things you want to do after […]
How To Use Pinterest For Coaching
If you’d rather keep on the move and listen, here you go: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/charissemerrill/episodes/How-to-use-Pinterest-To-Grow-Your-Coaching-Business-e22auiv/a-a9lnnmc The BIGGEST benefit of using Pinterest as a coach is the wide reach of audience you’ve got with Pinterest. Chances are, if you’re a coach, you do virtual coaching. Having clients from all over the world isn’t a problem. So let’s dig […]
3 Ways To CONVERT Instagram Content To Pinterest
If you’d rather keep on the move and listen, here you go: https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/O9f4g5oX4yb Are you panicking about starting on Pinterest because you don’t want to deal with another platform to create content for? Great news, here are 3 ways to easily convert Instagram Content To Pinterest. Watch Here: https://youtu.be/CI0LwUBfLWA 3 Ways To CONVERT Your Instagram […]
How To Promote Lead Magnets On Pinterest
If you’d rather keep on the move and listen, here you go: https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/aVceEfeupyb Did you realize that Pinterest could be a game-changing platform for promoting your leads? That right, since Pinterest is a search engine, like Google or YouTube, this means they put YOUR lead magnet in front of people who are specifically searching for […]
How To Optimize Your Pinterest Profile
If you’d rather keep on the move and listen, here you go: https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/qTcwzD0ukyb With over 400+ million active users on Pinterest looking for help… because Pinterest is a Search Engine… optimizing your Pinterest profile will bring the most traffic and money into your online business. Here are 5 steps to optimize your Pinterest Profile. Watch […]