Today is all about Pinterest marketing—specifically, how you can start making money on Pinterest, even if you don’t have a website. Yep, you read that right. No website? No problem!
Now, let’s be clear: having a website definitely helps with Pinterest marketing. It makes things easier and gives you a more professional look. But does it mean you need one to get leads, sign-ups, and sales? Absolutely not! You can still crush it on Pinterest without a website—trust me.
So, how do you actually make money on Pinterest if you don’t have a website? Here are a few ideas to get your wheels turning:
Pinterest Without A Website
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1. Use Other Social Media Platforms You Already Have
If you’re already active on TikTok, Instagram, or Facebook, you can create Pinterest pins that link directly to your social media posts or profiles. Since you’re already converting leads on these platforms, Pinterest can help drive even more traffic to them. It’s like a funnel that feeds your other channels!
2. Affiliate Marketing
Got affiliate links? Perfect! Pinterest is a goldmine for affiliate marketers. Create eye-catching video pins (think Story Pins, now called Idea Pins) that showcase your affiliate products.
For example, share a quick tutorial on how to get the perfect curls with a curling iron, and then link to your affiliate product. Or give a sneak peek into a Facebook post that’s full of tips, with a link to your digital products.
Pinterest loves video, and so do your potential customers!
3. Online Shops (Etsy, Shopify, etc.)
If you run an online shop, whether on Etsy, Shopify, or somewhere else, you can still use Pinterest to boost your sales. Create pins that link directly to your products or shop. Even better, show your products in action with a short video pin.
For example, demonstrate how your product works or highlight the benefits, then add a link to your shop. It’s a great way to drive sales and showcase what you’re offering in a visual, engaging way!
If you have a digital product, create a “This is for you” video about the product, then link it up.
Why start now on Pinterest?
You might not have the perfect website just yet, but getting on Pinterest early can give you a HUGE advantage. You’ll learn how Pinterest works for your business, test your ideas, and start driving traffic before you invest the time and money into building a full-blown website.
Action step:
Whether you have a website or not, try out one of the strategies listed above and start testing with with your Pinterest strategy soon. It’s a great way to grow your brand and increase your chances of success on the platform.
Any questions? Head over to my Free Facebook group and sign up for your free Pinterest audit to double check you’re on the right track.
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