You may be here because you heard someone say how important SEO is with Pinterest… so lets do a quick dive into the why, and then cover setting up your Pinterest SEO Strategy.
First off, Pinterest is a search engine. Think Google and YouTube. Users go to those platforms when they have questions that need to be answered. This is the sam with Pinterest, except it’s more visual with iamges.
Setting Up Your Pinterest SEO Strategy
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1. Decide on your topic.
In order to have GREAT SEO, you need to know what you are focusing on. If you’re thinking of “Weight Loss” or “Marekting” it’s too general. You’ll want to niche down more (this will help). Having a specific niche will help you find SEO keywords to optimize your Pinterst profile, and maximize your leads and sales.
2. Make a list.
Now that you know what your niche is, it’s time to head on over to Pinterest. Make a list of 20 keywords for your niche. When I say keyword, it’s most likely more than a word. More like a phrase really. It could be anywhere from 1-5 words. Grab this free training to help you find keywords.
3. Start with the top.
After spending some time (30-60 minutes) and getting a long list of keywords, you’ll want to start with the top of your Pinterest profile. Add a keyword in your title/name. Then move down, and add some keywords into your description/about. Next work you way to adding SEO keywords to your board names and descriptions.
Those are the 3 main areas you want to really spend time with your Pinterest SEO Strategy. From there, you’ll use keywords in your pin title and descritpions to further your strategy.
The truth is,
Pinterest will “read” your profile from top to bottom. So even if you’re using great keywords in your Pin headlines and descritiopns, you still might not be seeing the growth you desire, beause you hvaen’t optimized the rest of your profile. Make sense?
Action step:
Set a timer and spend 30 minutes making a Pinterest SEO keyword list to use with your profile.
Any questions? Head over to my Free Facebook group and sign up for your free Pinterest audit to double check you’re on the right track.