Pinterest Personal vs Business Account… Which one do you need?

Wondering what the difference between a Pinterest personal vs business profile is? Is it worth the time as an entrepreneur to set one up and

Wondering what the difference between a Pinterest personal vs business profile is? Is it worth the time as an entrepreneur to set one up and grow your business?

The short answer, YES! It is 100% worth the time and effort to set one up for FREE. Keep reading to find out why.

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Pinterest Personal vs Business

Head on over here for a quick video and learn the difference between a business and a personal Pinterest account.

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1. Analytics

First off, Pinterest has some valuable analytics to see how your personal pins are doing, as well as the pins you re-pin. Next, look at the impressions, the clicks, the views, and take that data from there. But these are only available through a business Pinterest account. So if you really want to see how well your pins are doing, and what’s popular on Pinterest, you need a business account. In the Pinterest Academy, you learn more about how to use analytics to benefit your business.

2. Ability to Change Your Name

Second, you have the ability to change your user name or business name. Most personal profiles will just put your name and numbers behind it. In other words, with a Pinterest business profile, you can edit your business name to make it more SEO-friendly and business quality. Also, you can edit a category type that improves your SEO pins with Pinterest. This allows Pinterest to know who you help, and to show your pins to your ideal audience.

3. Claim Your Website

Finally, you’re able to claim your website on Pinterest. This allows you to see your specific pins from your website… in your analytics. Also, you’re able to set up rich pins (which sometimes work and sometimes don’t). Therefore, people will see your URL in your profile and try to contact you through that or to learn more if they really fall in love with your stuff.

Claiming your website also allows your website to be shown when someone hovers over a pin. This shows you are “legit” as your pin has your logo on it. Users will know they aren’t going to a “spammy” site. Learn how to claim your website in 5 min or less with this post.

Wondering what the difference between a Pinterest personal vs business profile is? Is it worth the time as an entrepreneur to set one up and

In conclusion

If you are still on the fence about a Pinterest personal vs business profile… then you’re probably still on the fence of whether you want to be a true entrepreneur and earn an income. That is totally OK! But, when you are ready to invest in yourself and start a business, then make sure you sign up for a free Business Profile.

If you are 100% ready to save yourself 3 years of figuring out Pinterest and to get on there with fast, actionable steps, I will guide you every step of the way in my Pinterest Organic Growth Academy.

Pinterest Action Tip:

Set up your Pinterest business profile today.

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2 Responses

  1. I have a business account set up – I keep getting error messages that I have too many boards saved but when I go in & delete dozens of saved boards I still get the same message🤨

    1. That’s so weird! What’s your profile and how many boards do you have? I’ve never heard anyone get that before, and I’ve seen accounts with 50+ boards.

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Charisse Merrill

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