It’s time! Did you know you could start pinning for Christmas up to 6 months in advance? And most holidays, like Black Friday, are about 3 months in advance.
So, are you ready to learn the best tips for using Pinterest marketing to make holiday sales?
Pinning for Christmas And Black Friday
This was the perfect question asked in my free Facebook group, “I’m starting to pin for Black Friday and Christmas, do you have any tips?” There are definitely things you need to know…
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1. Pinterest is NOT Date Specific
That means any pins you are linking to with your sales pages need to be evergreen. You can redirect them… but in full disclosure, over the years with Pinterest… sometimes it allows the redirect, and sometimes it just reports it as spam. So use re-direction with caution.
But, having a specific Black Friday sales page, and after Black Friday, say, hey’ you missed it, but check out these… and add some other resources (free or paid).
For example: This was a paid bundle I took part of. Instead of just deleting the page, or it being non-functional, after the bundle closed, they added a list of freebies.
Pinterest is an evergreen platform. Links and pins you put on Pinterest, stays on Pinterest. So make sure those links still add value, after the specific date.
2. Create Keywords
You can create pins that say “black Friday sales”, but chances are, they’ll only get traction up to Black Friday. Maybe in a year, they’ll show up again.
Pinners may click on it at a later time, but chances are they won’t.
It’s best to do 50/50. 50% pins titled Black Friday … and 50% just being about what that sale will help with. Then you can still have pins leading to your page year round. Chances are, the product will still be helpful, no matter the time of the year.
Example: Your Black Friday sale is your favorite back-to-school backpack. Create a non-Black Friday pin, called “The BEST Back Pack for your 7th Grader”.
3. Keywords!
Keywords. Keywords. Keywords. Make sure you’re using top-notch keywords. Pinterest is a search engine. you want to use the BEST keywords for your topic, so your pins get categorized into the correct feed.
I want you to head to Pinterest super quick and look at the keyword “black Friday” in the search bar. Did you see how all the pins that came up were to help you with Black Friday marketing? You don’t want your “Black Friday Sale” pin being dumped into that mix.
Instead, your backpack Black Friday Sale, would be keywords such as “backpacks for teens”, “Simple school backpacks”. Or for Christmas “gift ideas for teens”, “Unique Christmas gifts”.
Pinners don’t search for black Friday sales or Christmas sales. They find sales from “social” platforms, or in their inbox. They find Christmas and gift ideas on Pinterest.
Here’s a keyword training if you need more help with those.
4. Boards
Creating specific boards for Black Friday or Christmas.
Christmas boards are a great idea! They can be left up during the months leading up to Christmas, or year-round. Pinners are known to search for “Christmas Ideas” along the lines of “Gift Ideas” or “Birthday Ideas”. So having a board with these could totally work. The board can be made secret after the holiday, but it’s up to you.
Black Friday Boards, are best if you put all your deals, or favorite deasl/pins from around the web, and email your “Black Friday” Pinterest board to your list. But specific Black Friday boards, don’t work well.
Action Step:
Don’t stress about not having your Black Friday or Christmas plans now. Pinterest isn’t time-specific. Focus on Black Friday sales promos with other social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram. Then, for Pinterest, focus on staying consistent, using great keywords, and getting pin clicks to your website and onto your email list. Then, you can email them all your deals.
In conclusion,
Bottom line is, when pinning for Christmas and Black Friday, it’s important to realize Pinterest is a search engine. It’s not time-specific. So being on top of keywords, and using stuff like “gifts” will get you much further along than the “Black Friday” keyword.
If you need help with Pinterest, the Pinterest Organic Growth Academy WILL get you there.
I love to answer readers’ questions, join my free Facebook community, and ask any Pinterest questions you have.
Read 3 Pinterest Metrics To Track and learn what pins are already working best, so you can tye it into your holiday pinning strategy.