This is a community of women who are driving more traffic, growing their list, and learning how to understand Pinterest.
Here's your community of women who are driving more traffic, growing their email list, and learning Pinterest marketing.

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Get Your Business Started on Pinterest
With a Step by Step Tutorial
Pinterest is a long term game plan, the sooner you get started the sooner you’ll start seeing consistent traffic to your website. As you get it set up the right way, you’ll get warm traffic without putting a ton of effort into daily pinning.
Sick of social media
You had no idea how much time you were going to spend on social media. Between Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and all of the other platforms. It leaves you no time to be creative, support your followers, and build a business.
Lacking consistent traffic
You’re sick of getting 10 visits to your website a day. You know people will buy your product if only you had enough traffic to your blog. You need more traffic so you can make your products and services known to the world.
Don't want to cold message people
Everyone says you need to be messaging 5-10 people a day. Cold messaging them to invite them to your group, website, or a challenge. You hate selling to friends and family, and shell up when having to “push” your product at someone. You need a way to get in front of people without feeling like a “pushy salesman”.
Struggling getting emails
If only you had an email list where you could connect with your audience more, and continue to add value. Then you KNOW they will purchase your products. You need a proven method to get people on your email list while you’re sleeping and spending time with your family.
I Have Three Goals:
Make mind-boggling Pinterest simpler so you can focus on your clients, what you enjoy and what you do best.
Guide you one well-explained step at a time so you SAVE time with Pinterest, and get it right the first time, bringing you in more leads sooner.
Be your cheerleader and guide– so you can ask any question (email, Facebook) and you can feel confident the steps you are taking with Pinterest are the right ones for your business.
If I Reach my Goals, you will:
Get more traffic– to your website, without paid ads, or spending tons of time on social media.
See more leads- into your funnels, on your email list, signing up for calls all coming from warm Pinterest traffic
Maintain work/life balance- Pinterest won’t take up all your time every day, you’ll be able to spend time with your kids, go on vacation, and know that traffic/leads are still coming with the time you’ve invested in Pinterest.
If I Reach my Goals, you will:
Get more traffic– to your website, without paid ads, or spending tons of time on social media.
See more leads- into your funnels, on your email list, signing up for calls all coming from warm Pinterest traffic
Maintain work/life balance- Pinterest won’t take up all your time every day, you’ll be able to spend time with your kids, go on vacation, and know that traffic/leads are still coming with the time you’ve invested in Pinterest.
It's Nice to Meet You!
My name is Charisse Merrill. A mom of 5 kids all born just under 8 years apart. Those first 3 years 2013-2020 were extremely crazy, busy, and exhausting.
This was when I started my first online business during nap time to give myself some sanity. I fell in love being able to teach other moms, and interact in way I couldn’t when I had 3 kids demanding attention.
After trying to grow that business, and trying everything to get more traffic to my website and make one sale (just one sale is all I wanted), I started to dig into Pinterest.
Fast forward to 2 years of epic-ly failing with Pinterest, I started to see traction! Horray! Only to see what traffic I had gotten plummet after paying for 1 week of Pinterest promoted ads.
Devastated, I spent the next 6 months developing a system and started growing my traffic more each month. But quickly, I started realizing how I was spending more and more time on Pinterest, and less time with my kids. I was spending every free moment growing that business with Pinterest, and realized this is not what I wanted. I didn’t want my kids to see me on my phone all day long, every day and not pay attention to them.
I needed a strategy which saved me time, allowed me to be with my kids, take vacations, but still get the leads I wanted .
And that is exactly what I did. My super organized, planner loving, strategy brain, created a strategy which allowed me to be on Pinterest for only 10 min a day, 3-5 days a week.
- It didn't involve having to talk to people or cold message.
- It didn't involve getting on Pinterest multiple times a day
- It didn't involve a ton of time
I started a 2nd business teaching women and moms like you, how to save time with Pinterest...
Because lets be honest, it shouldn't take 3 years to get that platform figured out!
But when I’m not teaching and on calls with my clients, I can be found in a messy house chasing around my 4 young kids, running or watching chick flicks with my Bahama Bucks.
If you’re dying to know more, here are 4 things you don’t know about me.
-I grew up running around barefoot in Arizona loving the heat and sun.
-I also enjoyed milking cows and feeding chickens ( but not roosters, those suckers are just plain rude).
-I LOVE anything food storage related and making things from scratch
-I belong to the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and love the core values I have developed and teach my kids.
You have a service and product you are trying to get out there to the world! You know 100% it will help them if only they could see you, meet you, and get to know you.
Your business is important, and it is 100% possible to start small and grow without spending hours on social media away from your kids, or paying for ads. Pinterest made that possible for me, and can make that possible for you too.